Facebook is only helpful to a business if the page gets noticed. You need to promote your page to get more likes and more fans. Here are some tips to promote your page.
- Make sure your content will engage the reader.
- Post different types of content to get the reader’s attention.
- Be helpful and exciting.
- Make sure the content is worth reading.
- Give people exclusive information on upcoming releases.
- Post news updates that apply to your business and its industry.
- Make sure you link other pages, posts, and emails over to your Facebook page.
- Make sure your posts also link back to your website.
- Make sure you keep Facebook interactive. Respond to your customers, especially if they make a negative comment.
- Try to engage your followers to get more likes and shares.
- Make use of the paid advertising.
- Share content created by other people and businesses. This should be relevant to your industry, but not compete with your business.
- Your content should be about 80% connection with customers and 20% sales.
- Create a contest that requires creativity and engagement.
- Integrate and cross-promote over other channels, and give away relevant prizes.
Written By: Stephanie Dunaieff, July 21, 2014