Statistics are necessary to decide if your email marketing is working for you.  One of the most basic items to look at is the number of opens and the number of clicks.  If your emails are opened but no one is clicking on the links, you are not getting any sales.  This is the most basic information you will need.

You should also keep track of the number of subscribers opting-in and opting-out.  You always need people to opt-in to keep your email list growing.  This increases your reach and potential sales.  Some people will also opt-out.  This is normal and expected.  Try to keep track of the reasons why a subscriber decided to opt-out.  Are you sending too many emails?  Did the subscribers interests, location, or job change?  The reasons might have nothing to do with your company.

After the basic information, you should keep track of actual sales-related information.  Check the stats of the landing page.  Did they click accidentally or actually spend some time reading the site?  How many inquires did you get?  How many sales did you close?

Lastly, keep track of social shares.  Is your email getting shared on social media sites?  Which sites are getting the most shares?  How can you use this with your social media marketing?

Written By: Stephanie Dunaieff, May 28, 2014

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